Air Monitoring

Substances that can cause a harmful effect are classed as 'hazardous substances' and if exposure is uncontrolled it can lead to ill health. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) sets exposure Limits WELs (Workplace Exposure Limits) for a number of hazardous substances at work and publishes these limits in the publication called the 'EH40'.

An employer would be expected to minimise exposure of any substance for which an WEL has been set. Typically, exposure to a level not exceeding 10% of the listed WEL concentration would be deemed 'acceptable'.

Air Monitoring Air Monitoring

The WEL is a concentration of hazardous substances in the air, averaged over a specified time period referred to as a Time Weighted Average (TWA).

Two time periods are used: long term (8 hours) and short term (15 minutes). Short term limits are set to prevent acute effects such as eye irritation.

All exposure levels are based on PERSONNEL exposure and not background levels.